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Our Services


Please select an area of interest from our services and get in touch with us. We will work closely with your organization to develop a unique and dynamic Culture Plunge experience tailored to your specific needs. Our aim is to enhance the overall core values embraced by your company or organization by addressing core competencies and learning outcomes.


We offer a range of interactive workshops, training sessions, keynote addresses, and seminars. Participants are challenged to explore the power of culture and diversity while confronting issues of bias and oppression in an open and honest manner.


Our ultimate goal is to challenge, enlighten, and empower individuals and organizations who want to make a positive difference in the lives of others, both at work and in the communities we live in.

Workshop & General Presentation (2-3 hr)

2-3 -hour dynamic interactive workshop designed to address the specific needs of your organization. The workshop will complement performance and core competencies supporting diversity and inclusion within your organization.

Training - Half Day (4-6 hours)

4-6 hour training designed to provide a deeper focus on implicit bias and its impact on diversity, inclusion, and equity within your organization. The training will be dynamic and interactive, addressing the specific needs of your organization and providing practical tools and strategies for addressing implicit bias.

Human Relations Training (HRT)- Full-Day

This interactive full-day training is designed to address the specific needs of your campus community and foster an opportunity for community stakeholders to dialog and create an action plan on a personal and collective level. The training will complement performance and core competencies supporting diversity and inclusion within your organization and promote a more inclusive and empathetic environment.

Training the Trainer

This multi-level training-the-trainer session challenges new and experienced trainers around the issues of diversity and oppression. It is essential training that refreshes participants' facilitation skills while allowing them to get in touch with their personal issues and triggers prior to leading a process focused on diversity and inclusion.

Executive Leadership Training

This targeted training is designed for your core executive leadership and support staff as a team. Through team building, strategic planning, vision, and goal setting, the training will strive to maximize your organization's effectiveness. The training will complement performance and core competencies supporting diversity and inclusion within your organization.

Retreat & Leadership Training

This training is designed to assist with the development and presentation of parts or all of your retreat and leadership training. Through strategic planning, team building, vision, and goal setting, the training will strive to maximize your organization's effectiveness. The training will complement performance and core competencies supporting diversity and inclusion within your organization.

Curriculum Development

Culture Plunge offers Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) curriculum development that strives to go beyond standard training's to create a more inclusive and empathetic environment within communities and organizations. Based on the scope and focus, each curriculum can provide ongoing learning and initiatives to educate members, staff, and customers on what DEI means and show how it's integrated into your organization.

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